News & Insights
Blog grid admin February 6, 2020
JHS group in media
Meta, Carbon Trust, and others join the Carbon Call to advance reliable emissions accounting

To celebrate its first anniversary, the Carbon Call today announced ten new members representing scientific, corporate, legal, and philanthropic organizations working to advance carbon accounting: Bon Conseil, the Carbon Trust, ClimateCamp, CMS, GLEIF, Meta, ODI, Open Earth Foundation, Terrascope, and Wikirate.

Top Dubai Consultancy A&A Associate teams up with Sustainability advisory firm

In a first for a business setup company in Dubai, A&A Associate has partnered with top international sustainability advisory firm Bon Conseil to kickstart plans for a net zero journey that will see them cut out Green House Gas (GHG) emissions within the next three years.

Articles and Publications
A Digital Transformation Brief: Business Reporting in The Fourth Industrial Revolution

This IMA whitepaper examines the global corporate reporting ecosystem, which involves multiple regulators, submission platforms, and data formats. The study shows a system with highly fragmented reporting, inefficient formatting, and non-actionable information output. Results support a call-to-action among finance and accounting professionals to establish more efficient best practices and modernize processes to create better efficiencies.

Proposals for a relevant and dynamic EU Sustainability Reporting Standard - Setting

This report and its appendices, published as a series of seven documents, were prepared by the European Lab Project Task Force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards (PTF-NFRS), for submission to the European Commission.